Biography GREG ABEL
About the Prophet
The prophet is one who sees beyond present circumstances by glimpsing beyond the veil to the future, which is the purpose of the prophet. Greg Abel was called into the prophetic ministry in 1991 through direct utterance by one of the most recognised prophets of the modern era - Kim Clement who began mentoring him in the United States in 1994.
Greg now stands in the ascension gift of the Prophet by the evidence of the anointing both in revelation and accurate personal prophecy, corporate prophetic declaration and market place prophetic influence.
After a dramatic encounter with God in 2012, to Greg was imparted an unusual and unique gift of the interpretation of dreams & visions.
- Past
- Family November 2003, Greg married his soul-mate, and best friend Wendy~Lee who co-founded the ministry. Together their vision is to re-ignite & restore the authentic prophetic so that it would be embraced by the Church. They are proud parents to Caleb (18) and Hannah (16).
- Present
- Ministry Greg regularly incorporates “DreamShops” as part of the prophetic expression, interpreting dreams from a live audience. It is a blessing to thousands of people from all walks of life, both within the Church and beyond.
- Future
- Mission & Vision Our mission is to raise a generation that would be vitally relevant in both the secular & ecclesiastical world by allowing the Spirit of God to express wisdom, knowledge, understanding, revelation, power, signs, wonders and luminosity to every sphere of human endeavour & activity.
Now is the time for a multi-ethnic, cross-generational company of Believers filled with the Spirit of God to be released into homes and cathedral domes; into dorm rooms and boardrooms; into Hollywood, Bollywood and Broadway; into celebrity lives or desperate housewives - to lead all to the Luminous One - Christ Jesus.
We must not live apart from the world in some sort of “country club of the saved” but must be actively engaged in the affairs of the world and mankind. We are not merely passive observers of life around us, but participants in cosmic events and spiritual directives that shape our world and alter the lives of men and women with whom we interact.
'Normal' or 'nominal' is an adjective that just cannot be used to describe the standard by which we must live our lives. We must be - SUPERNATURAL.

The Supreme God of the entire universe still speaks to men and women today! God is speaking all the time by God’s own Spirit. His Voice is in the atmosphere waiting to whisper into your heart His great plans for us and to speak to us of His eternal love for all people. It is the free will of men and women that determines whether they hear what God has to say right now! God can speak to anyone at anytime! This would probably come as a shock to many, but God is not restricted to speaking to Christians exclusively!
Many associate a prophetic ministry with that of some crazy, wild haired loon running around town prophesying the end of the world and gloom and doom. This negative picture of the prophetic is entrenched in the minds of misinformed persons because of the nature of Old Testament biblical prophecy the majority of which related to the destruction of the enemies of Israel and End of Days eschatology. But today the prophet and his or her ministry is not the pointed finger of condemnation but the extended hand of hope! And there are still true prophets in the world today. New Covenant prophets don’t go about telling you who to marry, or where you can find lost donkeys; they reveal the face of God and the best possible version of you! The future you!
God is still speaking by His Spirit to the planet! From the high-flying, champagne life-style, success driven Gen-Xer’s to the soul-searching Millennials! From the latte- loving, Wall Street types to the whiskey-swilling dipsomaniacs; whether a free-living surfer dude or blue collar worker; punk rocker or a street walker. From Hollywood to Bollywood; from Broadway, to the gutters of the sideway, the prophetic voice is reaching out to touch all - both inside the church and outside it’s walls.
The 21st Century Prophet is a Kingdom architect! Always mindful of the leading the Spirit of God to build on the vertical axis (Heavenly) and challenge “empire mentality” (horizontal plane). Prophets have a sensitivity to purpose and a proclivity for creating! Destiny is what the ministry of the prophet releases by the Spirit of Jesus into the lives of men and women; churches and nations!
The Legacy PROJECT
Yale historian Jaroslav Pelikan writes of Jesus, “Regardless of what anyone may personally think or believe about him, Jesus of Nazareth has been the dominant figure in the history of Western culture for almost twenty centuries… It is from his birth that most of the human race dates its calendars, it is by his name that millions curse and in his name that millions pray.”
Without doubt, Jesus is the most dominant figure in history! Long after Jesus physically walked the dusty roads of Palestine, his message and works continue to impact the planet and everyone born into it! If ever a man left a Legacy - it is Christ Jesus!
King David was not permitted to build a great temple for God's name to dwell in, but he purposed in his heart that he would do something great for his God. So he established Zion and was given the plans and blueprints (the architecture) from God upon which his son, Solomon, built the Temple. Likewise, it is important for us to leave a legacy for future generations to build upon.
It is to this future that we have committed our gifitings, resources and lives. This is our investment into the future: To create the platform that allows successive generations to use as a platform to see further, accomplish greater and impact stronger! This is the Legacy Project - the platform for future generations!
Stewarding the PROPHETIC
Within the contemporary church the term, “prophetic ministry,” can mean a great many things. Some persons labeled as “prophets” may be more accurately categorized as “prophetic ministries.” While they may minister to the church at large, they primarily operate within the occasional “charisma” gift of prophecy. Others are called to bear the ministry of a prophet consistently as a primary calling. An established prophet will not only operate in the gift of prophecy, but will carry seasonal prophetic burdens and messages from God the Father to the wider church, and sometimes even to nations. His or her emphasis may be much more “the word of the Lord,” as opposed to “words from the Lord.” They may, at times, even give a prophetic rebuke or warning to the church, which should always be a message of grace, postured within the Father heart of God.
*This will include: An apology. If I gave the prophecy to a private party, my apology must be to that party. If the prophecy was given to a group such as a church or the public, the apology must be given to that group.
**Accepting honorariums, gifts or travel remuneration is customary. This is different than prophesying for an agreed amount of money, and is equivalent to a pastor receiving a salary.

We believe in the Unchangeable, Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, All-Powerful, All-Seeing, All-Knowing, All-Present, Creator of Heaven and Earth. God alone is the All-Father from whom everything ever spoken, thought or expressed into existence has its beginning.
God is expressed in the Uncreated, Living Word whose name was given to men that they may call upon the God of their design and destiny: Christ Jesus. The Living Word came into the world of men to become the sacrificial atonement for man, that man might once again be reconciled to the Uncreated Creator from whom man was alienated by their transgressions.
The Spirit of the Indivisible, All-Father exists without distinction, rank or hierarchical stature. The Spirit is the very presence of the Uncreated God that permeates and irradiates everything ever created. The Spirit of God is the power, glory, breath and essence of God.
Donations & GIFTS
Global Missions & Ministry Financing
We are a completely faith based in our initiatives and missions relying on the benevolence and generosity of those who identify with the Sound of the Prophetic. All the lives we have touched and changed owe no small amount of gratitude to you for enabling us to bring the Sound of Light into their world!.
By sowing into the prophet's need, you are uniting with his mission to prophesy, declare and bring liberty to those who ache for the prophetic. Everywhere God sends me, you now go too! You are there, as we deliver interpretations to dreams from Bollywood to Hollywood; as we prophesy to presidents, princes and kings alike; as we declare miraculous, supernatural interventions and reach the unreachable & touch the untouchable.
"And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force." (Matt11:12)